Validation Message Buttons

There are a limited amount of button combinations that are allowed to be used on the Validation Messages. Any other combination must be approved by the design team.

Button Combinations

Button Combinations

The button combinations will be established in the Message Library. There are additional options listed in the library that are not currently used within MIP Advance, Abort/Retry/Ignore and Retry/Cancel.

The default button will always display as the primary button (blue).

User Interface of Message

The message will present to the user as a modal. The message will give the user an adequate amount of information to explain why the validation displayed and if needed details on what to do. The buttons will display on the left lower quadrant of the modal and will not exceed three buttons.

Location of Message

The message that displays in the modal will be pulled from one of two places.

API Messages

The "userMessage" portion of an API error message may be pulled into the Validation Modal.

Example of API Message for security access.
“userMessage”: “You do not have the correct rights to perform this operation.”,
{“You do not have rights to View on Maintain Customers.”}
{“You do not have rights to View or Add on A/R Receipts.”}

Message Library

Validations that are already presented to the user in MIP Fund Accounting are set up within the Message Libarary. These messages can be updated to be used in MIP Advance as well. Some of these messages may read differently in both products which the Message Library allows. Each of these messages will have a unique Error ID and Error Tag, for example Error ID 623000001 with the Error Tag of 'MAD_QUE_NAV_UNSAVED' reads 'You have unsaved changes. Do you want to continue without saving?' as seen above.


The available buttons for each Validation Message will determine the next operation that the user will take. While some Validation Messages only have one button and therefore one outcome, others may have two or three buttons each with different outcomes.
